Having been in the delivery business I am able to help her get familiar with her route and free her up to handle the mail. Everyone, including her supervisor agree that this is a great way to get started. The initial task of learning the ropes is challenging and stressful and this takes a bit of the edge off of that sharp learning curve. I find it fun to compare the Post Office's methods with those of UPS. Plus, I just get a kick out of being out and about once again, a life style suited to both Kris and I.
Best of all is the chance to spend so much meaningful time with my precious daughter. I admire her so very much and just don't take enough time to be with her. For the next few weeks we'll spend several hours together and I am just grateful for the privilege.
Years ago, when I was bound for the military during the Viet Nam war, I had a concern that it could yet be a long time before I saw my brother. He had left on his mission shortly before I returned from mine. Now I was leaving for war before he returned from his. I called his Mission President and requested an opportunity to visit him on his mission. I explained the circumstances and also my awareness that he had a duty to perform. I assured him that I had white shirts and ties, a regulation hair cut, the discussions memorized and a current Temple recommend. I intimated that I would be willing to labor as a missionary, if he would grant me a visit. He called back a few hours later with an unforgettable, YES! Brad and I had a grand week together on the Rosebud Sioux Reservation serving the Lord and refreshing our life long friendship.
While what Kris and I are doing is not as unlikely as what Brad and I were able to do, it is no less special and miraculous to me. I cherish this opportunity to work with my sweet daughter. She is doing so well in her new career and I am so pleased to see her earnest devotion to duty, her bright attitude and her quickness in learning so many new skills and rules. She is awesome and I get to witness it first hand!
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